Who Am I?
Jean-Marc Sfeir, fan of advertising in its most creative aspects.
I am writing this blog since 2010 to share my passion for advertising. I try presenting to you articles about advertising trends close to my heart, always with a note of humor. I know this is sometime very long, too long, and encyclopedia-like! But that’s the way I am, I like to classify things.
In my 1.0 life, I am Webmaster, which helped me developing VivelaPub!
- Ads
- classifying things
- exclamation marks!
- self-mockery
- cats
- useless & vintage electronic devices
- retrogaming
- all vintage stuff in fact
- Bee Gees, Beatles, PinkFloyd, Daft Punk
- Stanley Kubrick
- Sacha Baron Cohen
- almost all american sitcoms
- football (soccer)
- tennis
- riding a bike
- being hungry
- fast food
- slow food
- cashew nuts
- zombies
- hippies and punks
- the smell of newspapers
- Ads
- spelling mistakes
- those who broadcast their lives on Facebook
- futility
- negative and positive discrimination
- the Apple hype
- people systematically late
- young idiots listening to their “music” in the public transports without headphones
- people in the metro during rush hours
- the heat
- reggaeton
- reality TV
- Sex and the City
- Yoko Ono
- seeing Rugby
- Cleaning up
- endives
- snails
- tea, coffee, alcohol
- blood tests
- cutting myself with a sheet