Pause Réclame n°6: les pubs sexistes
Dans cet épisode, Pause Réclame se penche sur les pubs où les stéréotypes des sexes battent leur plein… A ce sujet, voyez également l’article sur les publicités sexistes qui révoltent les féministes.
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Janay - 14 Mar 2017 à 17:58:46
Really Nicole?? Why do you choose to take your child shopping when they are ai0;st2rv2ng?” If you have to take the time “in the store” to feed your child, WHY don’t you just feed them Prior to your shopping? Give me a break! AND, as a shopper, I guarantee you that if “my comfort be damned,” I will probably make your little breast feeding adventure a little uncomfortable also. If you want to invite the rude comments and rude behavior, expect it when it comes. I certainly would not back down, for the record.